Monday, June 27, 2011

Blog # 4 Integrated Unit Reflection

I have never seen twenty minutes fly by so fast in my life! I will say that I was extremely nervous and wish I had more time to present my lesson.  I hope my lesson went well, and I hope I didn't bore anyone to sleep. Using the required model for the unit plan was something totally different from what I have been using and I really appreciated it because it really made the planning process easier.  This particular unit was something that I use with my students, but writing out this plan allowed me to add new ways of integrating content as well as the technology.  Using the technology standards also allowed me to also incorporate those standards with the Common Core and ILS. I will utilize this particular model of planning.  It is very helpful and makes planning a real simple task.

Areas I think I need to work on include mastering the technology so that I can get through my planning faster. I also think I need to prepare for the worst.  The fact that all the computers were working and everyone knew how to maneuver through the sites made the lesson a smooth adventure.  In "real life", something always go wrong, so I have realized that it is always essential to have a plan b through z.  I think I also should have highlighted the technological aspects of my unit. This would have allowed my colleagues to see how the lesson utilized all aspects of technology and not just a small part.

 This particular unit is action packed, but I have found that using technology can sometimes take a lot away from the content and concepts students need to know.  I do believe students need to be exposed to technology, but when it is used throughout the entire lesson, the focus becomes fixated on the technology and not the content.  I think there should be a balance and teachers should make sure they are not over doing the technology.  It can be a very useful tool!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Blog #3 Key Findings/Generations M2

When reading the Key Findings of Generation M2, I really was not surprised at the data concerning media usage among young people today.  I believe that these numbers will continue to increase with the increase of technological devices and software that will be developed.  I reflect on my students in my classroom and how it is a struggle to monitor the uses of the technological devices that they bring to school with them on a daily basis.  We struggle making sure that they keep their cellphones in their lockers because they find ways to access Facebook and other internet sources that should not be accessed during school hours.  These numbers are especially scary when thinking about implementing technology within the classroom.  These numbers show that in order for technology to be utilized in a positive way for promoting academic success, teachers must be well versed and trained in the software.  If the computers are just place within the classroom, the computers will only be used to access the internet, causes the numbers to increase in school as well. 

I really had a hard time grasping the purpose of this particular article. Although this shows data that suggests students who access the computer and other technological devices have poorer grades and so on, I am wondering why are we pushing technology then?  I guess what the author is saying is that technology must me modified so that students are able to balance this with other aspects of their lives.  I still believe that technology can assist in the advancement of academic success, but I truly believe that exposure to the social media access of technology for students can cause that academic gap.  I just speaking from experience with my students who ask to use their cell phones for researching information only to find that they are accessing Facebook.  If the students are utilizing the internet for academic purposes, then technology could be a good thing. However, if they are on the internet with these disturbing numbers only for social media purposes, then this could really be detrimental to academic success.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Blog #2 New Technologies

There has been many misconceptions on how and if technology should be used in the classroom.  In reading Oppenheimer, NETS-S and Tech Tonic, it is very clear to me that these particular issues can be reconciled and they definitely should.

I believe that the reason critics bash technology in the classroom is because it was never properly implemented.  In Oppenheimer's chapter one, he explains how the use of computers can sometimes hinder the academic growth of students.  I find this extremely true when educators are not versed in how to implement the use of computers into the curriculum.  Some believe that if you have many computers in the classroom then the children are able to be computer literate.  The problem is that when school have computers that do not work properly, that really defeats the purpose of what computers are supposed to do for advancing education.  I believe that before the push for computers in every classroom, there should have been a curriculum already in place.  It seems as if Oppenheimer is saying that there has been so much time wasted, and computer are more of a hinderance than help.  For these particluar concepts to be reconciled, technology must be reasonably placed into the curriculum.  I believe that technology should assist in concepts and content and not just for assessing the internet.  I also believe for the ideas to be welcomed, educators must be trained efficiently.  Tech tonic and NETS-S gives excellent instruction of how technology filled curriculum can assist in academic success.