Monday, June 27, 2011

Blog # 4 Integrated Unit Reflection

I have never seen twenty minutes fly by so fast in my life! I will say that I was extremely nervous and wish I had more time to present my lesson.  I hope my lesson went well, and I hope I didn't bore anyone to sleep. Using the required model for the unit plan was something totally different from what I have been using and I really appreciated it because it really made the planning process easier.  This particular unit was something that I use with my students, but writing out this plan allowed me to add new ways of integrating content as well as the technology.  Using the technology standards also allowed me to also incorporate those standards with the Common Core and ILS. I will utilize this particular model of planning.  It is very helpful and makes planning a real simple task.

Areas I think I need to work on include mastering the technology so that I can get through my planning faster. I also think I need to prepare for the worst.  The fact that all the computers were working and everyone knew how to maneuver through the sites made the lesson a smooth adventure.  In "real life", something always go wrong, so I have realized that it is always essential to have a plan b through z.  I think I also should have highlighted the technological aspects of my unit. This would have allowed my colleagues to see how the lesson utilized all aspects of technology and not just a small part.

 This particular unit is action packed, but I have found that using technology can sometimes take a lot away from the content and concepts students need to know.  I do believe students need to be exposed to technology, but when it is used throughout the entire lesson, the focus becomes fixated on the technology and not the content.  I think there should be a balance and teachers should make sure they are not over doing the technology.  It can be a very useful tool!

1 comment:

  1. It was a great lesson.

    You might want to consider the TPCK model in your unit planning, and reflection too. The model emphasizes that your technology will affect the content you teach, and the teaching strategies you use (and vice versa).
